We endorse the views of the World Medical Association that physician assisted suicide and euthanasia are unethical, even if made legal. We endorse the Australian Medical Association position that " doctors should not be involved in interventions that have as their primary intention the ending of a person’s life."
We also endorse the World Health Organisation definition of Palliative Care, which has been re-affirmed by the Australia & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine, that Palliative Care aims to deliver impeccable holistic and person centred care without the aim of foreshortening life.
We are committed to the concept of death with dignity and comfort, including the provision of effective pain relief and excellence in Palliative Care. We uphold the right of a patient to decline treatment. We know that the provision of pain relief, even if it may unintentionally hasten death of the patient, is ethical and legal. Equally the withdrawal or withholding of futile treatment in favour of Palliative Care is also ethical and legal.
We believe that crossing the line to intentionally assist a person to suicide would fundamentally weaken the doctor-patient relationship, which is based on trust and respect. The power of the clinician/patient relationship cannot be over-estimated in influencing patient actions and choices. It is proven the desire to die diminishes dramatically when appropriate care and support is provided.
We are especially concerned with protecting vulnerable people who can feel they have become a burden to others, and are committed to supporting those who find their own life situations a heavy burden. We believe such laws would undermine the public perception of the dignity and value of human life in all its different stages and conditions.
Legislation does not make euthanasia and assisted suicide medical treatments, nor part of healthcare practice and evidenced ethical good end of life care. There is strong evidence to the inherent lack of safety and proven abuses where physician assisted suicide and euthanasia laws exist. Overseas data remains incomplete and under-representative of complication rates, with minimal description of the impact of coercion, complications for those with failed administration of these drugs, and with misleading claims around safety and scope creep.
Government focus should be on the compassionate and equitable provision of Social Services, Health Care and Palliative Care toward maintaining and protecting the dignity and lives of those with illness, age or disablement. There is still much to be done to address social, medical , palliative care and mental health service inequity and agendas in our society, and especially so in regional Australia.
Doctors and Healthcare Professionals are not necessary for the legalisation or practice of assisted suicide. Their involvement is being sought only to provide a cloak of medical legitimacy. Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals focus should be on improving quality of life and providing the real care and support needed for those who are suffering.
We also endorse the World Health Organisation definition of Palliative Care, which has been re-affirmed by the Australia & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine, that Palliative Care aims to deliver impeccable holistic and person centred care without the aim of foreshortening life.
We are committed to the concept of death with dignity and comfort, including the provision of effective pain relief and excellence in Palliative Care. We uphold the right of a patient to decline treatment. We know that the provision of pain relief, even if it may unintentionally hasten death of the patient, is ethical and legal. Equally the withdrawal or withholding of futile treatment in favour of Palliative Care is also ethical and legal.
We believe that crossing the line to intentionally assist a person to suicide would fundamentally weaken the doctor-patient relationship, which is based on trust and respect. The power of the clinician/patient relationship cannot be over-estimated in influencing patient actions and choices. It is proven the desire to die diminishes dramatically when appropriate care and support is provided.
We are especially concerned with protecting vulnerable people who can feel they have become a burden to others, and are committed to supporting those who find their own life situations a heavy burden. We believe such laws would undermine the public perception of the dignity and value of human life in all its different stages and conditions.
Legislation does not make euthanasia and assisted suicide medical treatments, nor part of healthcare practice and evidenced ethical good end of life care. There is strong evidence to the inherent lack of safety and proven abuses where physician assisted suicide and euthanasia laws exist. Overseas data remains incomplete and under-representative of complication rates, with minimal description of the impact of coercion, complications for those with failed administration of these drugs, and with misleading claims around safety and scope creep.
Government focus should be on the compassionate and equitable provision of Social Services, Health Care and Palliative Care toward maintaining and protecting the dignity and lives of those with illness, age or disablement. There is still much to be done to address social, medical , palliative care and mental health service inequity and agendas in our society, and especially so in regional Australia.
Doctors and Healthcare Professionals are not necessary for the legalisation or practice of assisted suicide. Their involvement is being sought only to provide a cloak of medical legitimacy. Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals focus should be on improving quality of life and providing the real care and support needed for those who are suffering.
Name Qualification Position State/Territory
Prof David Kissane, MBBS MPM MD FRANZCP FAChPM FAPM, Clinical Head Psychiatry Lecturer Psychoncologist, VIC
Prof Roger Woodruff, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Oncologist/Palliative Medicine PhysicianClinical HeadLecturerBoard Member IAHPC,VIC
A/Prof Maria Cigolini, MBBS FRACGP FAChPM Grad.DipPallMed, Palliative Medicine Specialist Clinical Head Lecturer, NSW
A/Prof Megan Best, PhD BMed(Hons) MAAE ClinDipPallMed, Palliative Care Doctor Research Fellow Lecturer, NSW
Prof Ian Olver, MD PhD Professor, Director Health Research Lecturer Health Sector Leader, SA
Prof Timothy Kleinig, PhD FRACP MBBS (Hons) BA, Neurologist Clinical Head Lecturer, SA
Prof Rod Macleod, MNZM MB ChB MMed FAChPM FRCGP, Palliative Medicine Specialist Clinical Head Lecturer Health Sector Head, NSW
Prof Doug Bridge, BMedSc (Hons) MBBS FRACP FRCP FAChPM DTM&H, Palliative Medicine Physician Clinical Head Lecturer, WA
Prof John Murtagh, AM MD BSc BEd FRACGP DipRCOG, Prof of General Practice, VIC
A/Prof Melanie Lovell, MBBS PhD FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Care Physician Clinical Head, NSW
Dr Peter Coleman, MBBS BSc FRACGP, Palliative Care Doctor, NSW
Dr Paul Kleinig, B.App.Sc(OccTher) BMBS FRACP FRAChPM, Palliative Care Physician, SA
Dr Peter Ravenscroft, MD FRACP FFPMANZCA FAChPM, Palliative & Pain Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr John Buchanan, MBBS MMed DPM FRACP FRANZCP, Psychiatrist Clinical Leader, VIC
Dr Martin Kennedy, MBBS FAFRM FFPMANZCA FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist Director Rehabilitation & Aged Care, NSW
A/Prof Marion Harris, MBBS FRACP, Medical Oncologist, VIC
Dr Anthony Herbert, MBBS FRACP FAChPM B Med Sci, Researcher Lecturer Director of Paediatric Palliative Care Service, QLD
Prof Geoffrey Mitchell, MBBS FRACGP FAChPM, Professor of General Practice and Palliative Care Lecturer, QLD
Dr John Quinlan, FAFRM MA(Ethics), Rehabilitation Specialist Medical Ethicist, NSW
A/Prof Charbel Sandroussi, MBBS MMSc FRACS, Cancer Surgeon Clinical Head Lecturer, NSW
Dr Zelle Hodge, MBBS FRACGP, Past President AMA, QLD
A/Prof Josephine Clayton, MBBS PhD FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician Research Head Lecturer, NSW
Ms Suzanne Greenwood, LLM LLB FAIM MAICD MCHSM, Health Sector CEO, ACT
Dr Louise Halliday, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Kate Smyth, MBBS FANZCA, Consultant Anaesthetist, NSW
Prof Peter Joseph, AM FAMA FRACGP, Past President or Member RACGP/AMASA/AHEC Dep.ChairCPMC ChairNHMRCOrgan Transplant Lecturer Rural Medicine, SA
Prof Katherine Clark, MBBS MED PhD FRACP FAChPM, Clinical Conjoint Professor Clinical Director Pall Care, NSW
Dr Patricia Chan, MBBS MMed (Clin Epi), PhD, NSW
Dr Joseph V Turner, MBBS BMedSc(Hons) PhD DRANZCOG(Adv) FRACGP FARGP FACRRM, Rural Medicine Lecturer, NSW
A/Prof Leeroy William, BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCGP MSc FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist Lecturer, VIC
Dr Angela Chang, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
A/Prof Joel Rhee, BSc(Med) MBBS(Hons) GCULT PhD FRACGP, General Practitioner Lecturer, NSW
Dr Alan Oloffs, FRACP FAChPM MD BSc, Palliative Medicine Physician Head of Supportive and Palliative Care, NSW
Dr David Bell, MBBS FRACP, Oncologist, NSW
Dr James Gallagher, BMed BmedSci FRACS, Surgeon, NSW
Dr Rosemary Isaacs, MBBS FFCFM (RCPA) FRACGP, Sexual Assault and Forensic Doctor Lecturer, NSW
Prof Louise Bauer, AM BSc(Med) MBBS (Hons) PhD FRACP FAHMS, Paediatrician Professor and Head of Child & Adolescent Health Lecturer, NSW
Dr Scott King, MBBS FRACGP FAChPM AFRACMA, Clinical Director of Palliative Care, VIC
Dr John McEnroe, OAM MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Prof Graeme Clark, AC FAA FRS FTSE MS FRCS (Edin Eng) FRACS (Hon) FRCS (Hon) MD, Academic Surgeon Lecturer, VIC
Dr Shirley Prager, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Mirrilee Back, MBBcH UK FRCGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Naomi Fraser, MBBS. FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Michael Pickavance, MB. ChB DRCOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Louis Christie, FACEM FACRRM ClinDipPallMed, Palliative Care Doctor, NSW
Dr Derek Eng, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Care Physician, WA
Dr Robert Claxton, FRACS FRCS FRCSEd, Admin Head of Surgery, NSW
Dr Rusell Clark, AM FRACP DTM&H, Director Geriatric Medicine Senior Lecturer, NSW
Dr Diane Grocott, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Catherine Hollier, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Riona Pais, MBBS FRACP FRAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Lynnette Yap, MBBS FRACGP MPHC, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Tanya Maya Jones, BSc BMBS FRACGP ClinDipPallMed, Palliative Care Doctor, NT
Dr Sarah Wenham, MB ChB MRCP FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician Clinical Head, NSW
Dr Mary Stavralopoulou, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Stephen Shiny, MBBS, Palliative Medicine Advanced Trainee, VIC
Dr Peter Roach, MBBS FRACGP, Palliative Medicine Advanced Trainee, NSW
Dr Peter Finlayson, MBBS BSc(Med) MHA FRACMA FACRRM AFACHSM, Rural Medicine Doctor, NSW
Dr Kevin Eng, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Prof Patrina Caldwell, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician and Lecturer, NSW
A/Prof Mel Cusi, MBBS FACSP FFSEM (UK), PhD. Associate Professor, NSW
Prof Gerald Fogarty, MBBS FRANZCR PhD, Radiation Oncologist Clinical Head Lecturer, NSW
A/Prof Paul Wrigley, MBBS MMed PhD FANZCA FFPMANZCA, Pain Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Elizabeth Brown, MBBS FRACP, Respiratory Physician, NSW
Dr David Holford, MBBS DipRACOG MPHTM, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Wendy Falloon, B.MedSci MBBS DA (UK) FANZCA, Consultant Anaesthetist, TAS
Dr Michael Stone, B Med Sc MBBS(Hons) MMed PGDipEcho FANZCA FFPMANZCA, Pain Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Kim Caldwell, MBBS MRCP FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Advanced Trainee, NSW
Dr Hong Nguyen, MBBS BMEDSCI FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Alice Phua, MBBS FAChPM, Palliative Care Consultant, WA
Prof Philip Siddall, MBBS PhD FFPMANZCA, Conjoint Professor and Specialist Physician in Pain Medicine, NSW
Dr Hoa Pham, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Ms Elizabeth Harris, BS RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Palliative Care, NSW
Dr Shawna Koh, BS MBChB FRACP FRChPM, Palliative Physician, NSW
Dr Debra Chandler, Bmed DipRACOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, TAS
Dr Angela Wang, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Prof Jane Turner, MBBS,PhD,FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, QLD
Dr Ivan Stratov, MBBS FRACP PhD, Infectious Diseases Physician, VIC
Ms Jacqui White, Bachelor Social Work, Masters Womens Health, VIC
Dr Adrian Dabscheck, MBBS Grad.DipPallMed, Cert Clinical Teaching Palliative Medicine Specialists, VIC
Mrs Janette Moody, RN Health Sector CEO, CEO & Nurse, VIC
Ms Rachel Davy, RN, Registered Nurse and Midwife, NSW
Dr Lynn Lim, MBBS FRACP FAChP, Palliative Medicine Physician, NSW
Ms Kylie Draper, RN(Div1), Registered Nurse, VIC
Dr Helen Lord, MB BS MPHC FAChPM, General Practitioner and Palliative Medicine Specialist, TAS
Ms Mary Beaumont, RN, Registered Nurse, VIC
Dr Same Younan, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, NSW
Ms Mary Ticinovic, M Psychology(Clin) BPsychology(Hons), Psychologist, NSW
Mr Andrew Goff, RN Dip.Nursing Dip.Specialist Palliative Care, Registered Nurse, VIC
Dr Kenneth Simpson, MBBS MRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Helen Morris, EN, Nurse, VIC
Dr Susan Armstrong, MBBS, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Brett Hurley, MBBS, Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Mark Morton, MBBS FRACP, General Physician, SA
Ms Justine O'Connell, Qualified Sonographer, Sonographer, NSW
Ms Particia Wesslink, B Nursing Grad.CertICU Nursing, Registered Nurse, QLD
Ms Randa Abdelsayed, BSc MPsychology & MAPS, Psychologist, NSW
Ms Angela Rudock, BachPsychology BachHumanServices, Psychologist, VIC
Dr Judith Nall-Bird, MSc MBBS DCH FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Mr Andrew Sloane, MBBS ThD, Lecturer and Ethicist, NSW
Dr Jillian Collins, MBBS, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Hayley Thomas, BSc MBBS DCH, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Ainsley Poulos, B App Sc (Speech Pathology), Speech Pathologist, NSW
Ms Kia Foord, RN, Nurse Practice Manager, NSW
Dr Lucy van Baalan, B.Med FRACGP FAMAC, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Thomas Sing, MBBS RANZCR, Radiologist, NSW
Dr Stephanie Kirk, BMed, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Kelly Peterson, MBBS HlthSc(Hons) Dip.CH, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Laura Dunstan, BMed/MD BSc(Hons), Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr David Kardachi, B.Med B.Sc(Hons), Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Lachlan Dunjey, MBBS FRACGP DObstRCOG, General Practitioner, WA
Dr My Le Trinh, MBBS FRACGP DCH, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Irmgard Pascoe, B.Med FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Alice Lac, MBBS (Hons) FRACP, Geriatrician, VIC
Dr Margaret Graham, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Patricia Treston, MBBS MPHC FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist, QLD
Dr Keith Hogan, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Physician, VIC
Dr James Wong, MBBS FRACP, Cardiologist, NSW
Ms Rebecca Spring, MD, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Tamara Kronk, BNSc RN, Nurse, QLD
Dr Kim Boaz, MD, Resident Medical Officer, VIC
Dr Phillips Harris, MBBS FRACGP DCH, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Giselle Kidson-Gerber, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Pathologist, NSW
Dr Richard Lord, MBBS FRACGP DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, TAS
Ms Alice Kean, Medical Student, Student, SA
Ms Caroline Earley, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, SA
Dr Christopher Benness, MBBS MD FRCOG FRANZCOG CU, Gynacologist, NSW
Dr James Zhang, MBBS PHD, Student Conjoint Lecturer, NSW
Dr Annette Britton, MBBS FRACP, Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Simon Gerber, BScMed MBBS (Hons) FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr John Best, BMed FACSEP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Peter Barclay, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Rebecca Ling, MBBS, GP Registrar, NSW
Dr Zoe Willett, MBBS BMedSci, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr John Wenham, MB ChB DCH DRCOG DIpHSM MRCGP FRACGP, Rural Medicine, NSW
Dr Eve McClure, MBBS FRACP, Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Joanna Barlow, MBBS DPM FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, NSW
Dr Rhys Morgan, MBBS (Hons) FANZCA FRACS BMin, Consultant Anaesthetist, QLD
Dr Ian Jones, MBBS FACRRM DipRACOG, Rural Medicine General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Cathy Hayes, RN, Nurse, VIC
Dr Rachel Chan Moy Fat, BMed MD, Medical Officer, NSW
Ms Christine Ferguson, RN, Nurse, VIC
Dr Julian Chew, B.MedSci (Hons) MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Mr Danny Ford, Health Service Pastoral Care, Coordinator, NSW
Dr Paul Mercer, MBBS FRACAP DIPRACOG, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Aet Joasoo Lees, BSc(Med) MBBS MD FRACP BA, Endocrinologist, NSW
Dr William Warr, MBBS FRACGP FASMF, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Nicole Hutchens, MBBS, Resident Medical Officer, TAS
Dr Bruce Hayes, MBBS FRACGP MPH&TM DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Joanne Jarlett, Health Service, Chaplain, VIC
Dr Janine Morrow, MBBS, GP Registrar, QLD
Ms Lois Haultain, BA (Hons), Senior Healthcare Pastoral Care Coordinator, NSW
Ms Amanda Cox, BHealthSc, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Ms Kate Willis, MBBS BAppSc (Physiotherapy), Physiotherapist Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Ross Simpson, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Sue Love, Health Service, Chaplain, NSW
Dr Geoffrey Francis, MBBS DObstRCOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Mary McNulty, MBBS FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist, WA
Mr Jo Manouk, BMin GradDipCounselling, Health Service Pastoral Care Coordinator, NSW
Dr Nancy Nicholas, MBBS, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Jane Taylor, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, ACT
Dr Yi-An Neoh, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Dr James Ward, MBBS B Lib Stud ThC, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Mr Grant Murray, Health Service, Pastoral Care, NSW
Dr Lesleigh Sands, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Debbie Johnson, Health Services, Pastoral Care Co-Ordinator, NSW
Dr Yvonne McMaster, MBBS FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Doctor and Network Leader, NSW
Dr Esther Koh, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr David Knight, MB BS FRCOG FRANZCOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr Andrew Hart, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, WA
Dr Nathan Grills, MBBS, Public Health Physician, VIC
Dr Anne Taylor, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, SA
Dr Rena Ng, MBBS, Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr John York, MD FRACP FRCP Grad.Dip.Couns., Physician, NSW
Dr Michael Peterson, MB BS (Hons) DRACOG, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Tony McGriffin, MD, Medical Practioner, QLD
Dr Amanda Howard, BMBS FRACGP DRANZCOG DCH, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr Hannah Watts, MD, Medical Practioner, WA
Dr Vichaya Champreeda, MD, Medical Practioner, VIC
Dr Anil Tandon, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, WA
Rev Peter Archer, Ordained Pastor, Health Care Officer, NSW
Ms Meridith Hatcher, BSc, Physiotherapist/Healthcare Pastoral Care Officer, NSW
Ms Judy Douglas, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Hugh Pearson, MBBS FRACGP, Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Sara Fraser, MBBS, Senior Health Officer, QLD
Dr John Oakley, MBBS, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Nathan Combs, MBBS FRACGP, GP Registrar, WA
Dr Andrew Browning, FRCOG FRANZCOG (Hon), Gynacologist, NSW
Dr Henry Vo, BMed MD BSc(Med)Hons, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Lawrence Simpson, OAM MD BS FCCP FRACS, Thoracic Surgeon, VIC
Dr Richard Shawyer, MB BS MTH, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Ms Donna Allen, Health Sector, Pastoral Care Coordinator, NSW
Dr Sylvia Leung, MBBS Dip Paed FRACP FHKAM (Paed) FHKCPaed, Paediatrician, NSW
Dr Doug Utley, MB BS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Gerald Gleeson, STB MA PhD, Health Sector Bioethicist, NSW
Dr Phillip Andrew, BSc (Hons) MB BS (Hons) FRACGP FACTM FWACP, General Practitioner (Retired), TAS
Mr Richard Tavender, Adv Dip Past.Ministry Grad.Counseling, Pastoral Care Coordinator Aged Care and Palliative Care, NSW
Ms Liane Lee, BPharm GradDipEd, Educator Pharmacist, WA
Dr Christopher Williames, MBBS FRACGP DCH, GP Registrar, VIC
Dr Corey Cunningham, MBBS FRACGP FACSEP, Exercise and Sports Medicine Physician, NSW
Ms Kerrie Jackson, Health Care, Pastoral Care Coordinator, NSW
Dr Lucy Woodhouse, BachelorMedicalStudies MD, General Practice Registrar, NSW
Dr Jade Schroers, MBBS, Physician Trainee/Registrar, NSW
Dr Cheuk Lam, BMedMD, Medical Practioner, NSW
Dr Annmarie Hosie, RN PhD, Palliative Care Nurse Researcher and Educator, NSW
Dr Richard Wong, MB BS BSc(Med) FRACGP DCH DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Alison Walsh, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Anna Baker, RN, Registered Midwife/Registered Nurse, QLD
Dr Alice Schroers, MBBS FRACGP, Intensive Care Senior Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Michelle Huang, MBBS, General Practice Registrar, NSW
Dr Richard Sadig, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Felicity Wild, MBBS, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Mark Yates, FRACP, Geriatrician, VIC
Dr Peter Selvaratnam, PhD(MedAnatomy) FACP, Physiotherapist, VIC
Dr Winnie Chen, MBBS FRACGP, GP Registrar, NT
Dr Jane Thompson, MBBS DipObs ,General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Isabelle D’Souza, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Terrence Middleton, MBBS DipRACOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Stephanie Isaac, BMedSc(Hons) Univ. Medal. MD, Medical Intern, NSW
Dr Ruth Redpath, FRCS FRCR DMedSci(Hons), Oncologist, VIC
Ms Joanna Blades, Medical Student, Student, WA
Dr Joseph Thomas, MBBS MD FRANZCOG CMFM DDU, Fetal Medicine Specialist, QLD
Dr David Sturrock, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, NSW
Dr Paul Neeskens, MBBS, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Roger Steer, MBBS, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Thalia Shuttleworth, MBBS FRANZCO, Opthalmologist, NSW
Dr Bernadette Wilks, MBBS FANZCA, Anaesthetics Registrar, VIC
Dr Jill Howard, MBBS, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Michael Shanahan, MBBS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Robert Pollnitz, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician, SA
Dr Yong Yau Paul Chia, MBBS FRACP, General Physician Lecturer, TAS
Dr David Van Gend, MBBS FRACGP DipPallMed, Senior Lecturer in Pall Med, QLD
Dr Julene Haack, MBBS(Hons1) Dip RANZCOG FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Lee-Anne Gray, MBBS, Intern, WA
Dr John Daffy, MBBS FRACP, Physician & Director of Infectious Diseases, VIC
Dr Eamonn Mathieson, MBBS FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Theo Shemansky, MBBS FRACGP B App Sci (Pod), General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Andrew FC Taylor, MBBS FRACP MD, Gastroenterologist, VIC
Dr Daniel Mealey, MBBS, Medical Registrar, NSW
Dr Frederick Peter Denton, MBBS(Melb) FRACS, Surgeon, VIC
Dr Michael Plunkett, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Patricia Newell, MB ChB FANZCA, Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Adrian Thomas, MBBS FRACOG, Obstetrician, VIC
Dr Xavier O’Kane, MBBS MA (Bioethics), General Practice Registrar, VIC
Dr Michael Christie, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr T John Martin AO, MD DSc FRACP FRCPA FAA FRS, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, VIC
Dr Roheela D’Cruz, MBBS FRACGP MPH GAICD, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Kameel Marcus, MBBS FANZCA, Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Stephen Parnis, MBBS DipSurgAnat FACEM FAICD FAMA, Emergency Physician, VIC
A/Prof Edward O’Sullivan, MBBS FRACP, Peri-operative Physician, VIC
Dr Elvis Seman, MBBS FRANZCOG EUCOGE FRCOG NFPMC PhD, Head of Urogynaecology Lecturer, SA
Dr Catherine Madigan, BA(Hons), Clinical Psychologist, VIC
Dr Milton Micallef, MBBS BA(Hons) BSc, Medical Registrar, NSW
Dr Catherine Mannering, MD, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Simon Donahoe, EMBBS FRACS, Cancer Surgeon, VIC
Dr Antonio De Sousa, MBBS, General Practitioner, VIC
Prof Eugene Haydn Walters, Public Health Physcian, Lecturer, VIC
Dr Douglas Randell, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr Heather Manning-Down, MB BS DPM FRANZCP Dip Crim, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Susan Newton, BMed GradDipPallMed MProfEthics FAChPM, Lecturer and Palliative Medicine Specialist, NSW
Dr Elizabeth Ravenscroft, MB BS FRACP FRCP, Paediatrician, NSW
Dr Rimino Guerriero, MBBS FRCS FRACS, General Surgeon, SA
Dr Norman Hohl, MBBS FRACGP FAFPHM DTM&H CTH, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Judith McEniery, MBBS FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist, QLD
Dr Susan Belperio, MBBS(Hons) FANZCA, Anaesthetist, SA
Dr Graham Toohill, MBBS FRACGP DObs.RCOG DObs.RANZCO&G DTM&H, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Jonathan Baré, MBBS FRACS(Orth) FAOA, Orthopaedic Surgeon, VIC
Dr Steven Zebic, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Ann-Marie Diggins, MB ChB FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Rosemary Wong, MBBS MD(Melb) FRACP GradDipDiv(ACT) GAICD, Endocrinologist, VIC
Dr Andrew Hughes, FRACGP FACRRM, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Mary Walsh, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Ibrahim Yacoub, MBBS FANZCA, Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Geraldine Fenn, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Dunne Brian, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Lucia Murnane, MBBS FRACGP DCH GradDipBioethics, GP Ethicist, VIC
Ms Faye Tomlin, RN, Nurse Practitioner, QLD
Dr Sam Phillips, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Catherine Crowley, MBBS(Hon) DipCHGCut, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Ian Haines, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, VIC
Dr Ian Denness, MBBS DCH DSCCA GradDipDiv FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Teem-Wing Yip, BA BMBS MPH FACRRM FAFPHM, Public Medicine Physician, NT
Dr KAM Andrew Kok Foo, MBBS(Qld) FRACR, Radiologist, WA
Dr Richard Chittleborough, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Jereth Kok, FRACGP MBBS, General Practitioner, VIC
Mr Pascale Van der Beken, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, NSW
Dr James Quinn, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Olivia Perrottet, BA MBBS, General Practice Registrar, NSW
Ms Marion Gall, Nursing Assistant, Nurse, QLD
Dr Andrew Gan, MBBS BMedSci FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Johnny Khoury, MBBS BSc(Med) FRACGP DCH DRANZCOG, General Practitioner & Lecturer, NSW
Dr Anthony Obeid, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr David Anderson, MBBS FRACGP MPH, General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Barbara Page, RN HNE(Health) MHC, Nurse Specialist, NSW
Prof George Mendz, MSc Phd, Lecturer & Research Head, NSW
Ms Kristen Green, Medical Student, Student, VIC
Dr Michael Knight, MBBS FRACS (Orth), Orthopaedic Surgeon, VIC
Dr William Linden Hall, MDSc BDS, Dental Surgeon, VIC
Ms Alicia Smith, Cardiac Sonographer, Sonographer, NSW
Dr Dimitios Papadopolous, MBBS (Hons) DipPaed FRACP, Paediatrician, NSW
Ms Natalie Grey, BA BSc(Hons) MPharm, Pharmacist & Clinical Head, TAS
Dr Davina Fang, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Elizabeth Kinsey, MPsych DipAppliedPsych (Health), Psychologist, VIC
Dr Siba Sulaeman, MBChB, Emergency Medicine Physician, VIC
Dr Jane Tehan, MBBS(Hons), Geriatric Medicine Registrar, VIC
Ms Yin Chung, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Donna Purcell, MBBS, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr David Crosbie, MBBS FRACP FCICM, Intensivist, VIC
Ms Anastasia Fantini, RN, Nurse, TAS
Dr Catherine Croagh, MBBS FRACP MD MPH, Gastroenterologist, VIC
Mr Christopher Langan-Fox, BA(Psychology) BA(Hons) MSc, Psychologist, TAS
Ms Elizabeth Aguilera, BAppSci, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Dr Sally Troedel, FANZCA MBBS Anaesthetist, Anaesthetist, VIC
Ms Maria Sparshott, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Ruella D’Cruz, MBBS Emergency Medicine, Registrar, NSW
Ms Valerie Wee, EN, Nurse, NSW
Dr John Vidovich, MBBS FRACS FRCS(Eng), Vascular Surgeon, VIC
Dr Dean Everard, MBBS(Hons) FRACP, Geriatrician Clinical Head Lecturer, VIC
Ms Krystyna Kidson, M.Psych (Clin) Hons MIAC, Psychologist, NSW
Dr William Kennett, MBBS MRCP, Palliative Medicine Advanced Trainee, NSW
Ms Joanne Kissane, RN, Nurse, QLD
Dr Caroline Dowling, MBBS FRACS , Urologist, VIC
Dr Catherine Peterson, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Natasha Hamilton, MBBS, Paediatric Advanced Trainee, TAS
Dr Genevieve Hamilton, MBBS FRACGP BBiomedSci BSci(Hons), General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Ruth Dukes, Credentialed Mental Health Nurse, Nurse, QLD
Dr Teresa Leung, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Haematologist, VIC
Dr Michael McCaffrey, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr William Edwards, MB BS DIP ANAT MS FRACS FAORTHA, Surgeon, VIC
Dr Joseph G Philip, MAFP FRACGP Dip.PallMed, Palliative Medicine Specialist, VIC
Dr Brian Fernandez, MBBS, Medical Resident, NSW
Mr Michael Sparshott, BAppSc (Diagnostic Radiography), Radiographer, NSW
Dr Peter Ferwerda, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Ms Helen Holley, BSc Dip Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist, NSW
Ms Kathleen Airey, BSSc (Pastoral Care), Health Sector, QLD
Dr Jessica Costa-Pinto, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician, VIC
Ms Mia Villatora, Neuropsychotherapist, Therapist, NSW
Dr Sarah Heynemann, MBBS BMedSci, Medical Oncology Registrar, VIC
Mr Martin Carolan, PhD, Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist, NSW
Ms Frances Beaumont, RN, Nurse, QLD
Dr Wam Ern Chang, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner Medical Educator, VIC
Dr Simon Tong, MBBS FRACGP DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Simonil Mehta, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Sarah Tedjasukmana, MBBS BScAdv)(Hons I) DCH, GP Registrar, NSW
Dr Alan Dobson, MBBS FRACGP Dip.ORCOG DCH, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Crystal Durell, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Juliet Seedhouse, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Nyree O’Connor, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Peter Seha, MBBCh FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Pieter Pretorius, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitoner, VIC
Dr Thinus van Rensburg, BSc MBChB FRACGP FACRRM, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr Philip Cohen, MB BS, GP Registrar, SA
Dr John Deery, MBBS, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr Bernard Shiu, MD FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Catherine Bailey, MBBS FRACP, Physician, NSW
Dr Kristin Richardson, MBChB FRACGP GCHPE, General Practitioner & Medical Educator, NSW
Dr Lorraine Anderson, FRACGP MBChB, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Carol Booth, B Med BA(Hons) LLB, Lawyer & General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Elizabeth Thomas, MBBS MBioeth FRACP, Physician Bioethicist, VIC
Dr Megan Graieg, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Emily Isham, MBBS BMedSci MIPH DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, TAS
Dr Nathan O’Dea, MBBS BSc(Hons), Medical Oncology CMO, NSW
Dr Christopher Ford, MBBS FRACGP BPastoral Care BHSci(Public Health), Rural General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Lin Hickey, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Carli Weatherhead, B.MedSci (Hons) MBBS DCH DRANZCOG, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Verity Nicholson, MBBS/BMedSci FANZCA, Anaesthetics Registrar, VIC
Dr Natalie Morgan, MBBS (Hons), Senior Paediatric Registrar, VIC
Dr Madeleine de Haan, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Leanne Cole, MBBS, General Practice Registrar, VIC
Dr Michael Tong, BSc (Hons) DipB&M BMedSc(Hons) BMed DCH DTM&H FRACGP, General Practitioner, NT
Dr Norah Stan-Bishop, MBBS DCH, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Eleanor Sharland, MBBS (Hons) FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Maurice Easton, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician, VIC
Dr Jocelyn Lowinger, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Karen Gwee, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Manoj Obeyesekere, MBBS MRCP FRACP FHRS MD, Cardiologist, VIC
Dr Wilson Chong, MBBS BMedSc(Hons) DCH FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Albert Matti, MBBS Mast Med Dip Child Health Bsc(Hons), Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr Damir Culic, BDentalSurgery, Dental Surgeon, SA
Dr Raymond Yeow, BA MBBS MBA(Exec) FIAA, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Carol Ierace, MBBS DRANCOG, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Peter Barker, MBBS FRACGP DipRANZCOG DPD FRCRRM, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Sharon Martin, BNSc BMBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Vincent Lee, FRACGP MBBS BPharm, General Practitioner, QLD
Prof Margaret Somerville, AM FRCS DCL, Professor of Bioethics University of Notre Dame Australia Samuel Gale Professor of Law Emerita Professor Emerita Faculty of Medicine Founding Director Emerita Centre for Medicine Ethics and Law McGill University Montreal Canada, NSW
Dr David McIlroy, MBBS MD MClinEpi FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Sarah Duke, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,VIC
Dr Bill Pring, MBBS BMedSci DPM FRANZCP FAMA, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Randy Juanta, BM BS, Emergency Doctor, SA
Dr Rod Stephenson, MBBS, General Practitioner in Aged Care, VIC
Dr Ian Haywood, MBBS MPM FRANZCP CertChildAdolPsych, Psychiatrist, VIC
Dr Simone Martin, MBBS FRACP, General Paediatrician, NT
Dr Malcolm Bowman, MBBS FRACGP FAFRM, Rehabilitation Physician, NSW
Dr John Sands, MB BS FRACP, Consultant Physician, TAS
Dr Bethany Russell, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Care Physician, VIC
Dr Christopher McMaster, MBBS, Medical Registrar, VIC
Dr Josephine Ong, BMed FRACGP DCH, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Dimithra Andrew Bahardeen, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Alison Goodfellow, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Mr Joshua Cohen, RN, Palliative Care Transitional Nurse Practitioner, NSW
Ms Jo Hartley, Dietitian, Dietitian, SA
Ms Carolyn Fiddelaers, RN BNursing, Associate Nurse Unit Manager, VIC
Dr Scott Milan, BMBS(Hons) MPH DCH B.App Sci(dist) FRACGP, GP Partner, SA
Dr James Yun, MBBS FRACP FRCPA PhD, Immunologist, NSW
Ms Yvonne Parent, Licensed Practical Nurse, British Columbia Canada
Dr Peter Gale, MBBS FAFRM (RACP), Rehabilitation Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Sarah Allen, Bmed. FRACGP, General Practitioner, VIC
Ms Rhonda Neil, RN, Registered Nurse, VIC
Dr Frederick Ho, BSc(Med) MBBS FRANZCR, Radiation Oncologist, NSW
Dr Adrian Cain, MBBS FANZCA, Anaesthetist, VIC
Dr Phil Godden OAM, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner & Board Member Central Coast Local Health District, NSW
Dr Trish Joseph, MBBS, Senior Speech Pathologist in Palliative Care, VIC
Dr Peter Moore, MB BS FAChPM, Retired Palliative Care Specialist, NSW
Dr Chantal Faddoul, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Jonathan Ho, BSc(Med) MBBS FRANZCR, Radiologist, NSW
Dr Barbara Hayes, MBBS DipObs MPCH MBioethics FAChPM PhD, Palliative Care Physician, VIC
Dr Grace Ho, MBBS BMedSci DRANZCOG, General Practitioner Registrar, VIC
Ms Sheilajen Alcantara, Research Scientist - HIV, Scientist, VIC
Dr Pansy Lai, MBBS BSc(Med) DipPaed, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Maketalena Tuigana, Allied Health Assistant,, VIC
Mr Thien-an Nguyen, BSc(Pharm), Pharmacist, VIC
Dr Bernice Lim, BBiomed MD, Resident Medical Officer, WA
Dr Thai Hong, MBBS (Hons) BMedSci FRACP, Gastroenterologist, VIC
Mr Viet Nguyen, Medical Student, Student, VIC
Dr Katie Illott, MBBS (Hons) BHlth(Nurs) FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Huy Nguyen, MBBS FRACGP PCCU, Staff Specialist- Emergency, VIC
Thanh Hong, BSc(Pharm), Pharmacist, VIC
Ms Janet Chuanon, BSc(Pharm), Pharmacist and Oral Therapist, VIC
Dr Tho Pham, MBBS, Junior Medical Officer, VIC
Dr Corinne Lau, MBBS(Hons), Junior Medical Officer, NT
Dr Krista Maier, MBBS FRACGP DCH, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Jason Chan, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Yvonne Chung, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Amy Imms, MBBS(Hons), Medical Practitioner, TAS
Ms Ji Ming, BNursing, Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Aida Barbosa, Pastoral Practitioner, SJOG Hospital Frankston, VIC
Dr Lisa Liu, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Si Woo Park, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Mr Kwan Lap Clement Chow, BSc(Physiotherapy), Physiotherapist, NSW
Ms Karina Honeyman, BAppSc, Radiographer, TAS
Ms Jo Wood, BSW BA (Psych), Social Worker, VIC
Dr Juliani Rianto, PhD MBBS RACP, Rehabilitation Specialist, NSW
Ms Laura Rianto, B Pharm, Pharmacist, NSW
Ms Helene Cowley, BA BSW MSW, Chief Social Worker Aged Psychiatry, VIC
Dr Alicia Thornton, BSc MBBS (Hons), Medical Practitioner, ACT/NSW
Dr Dorothy Milly Wong Tin Niam, FRACP, Physician, WA
Dr Mark Oakley, FRACGP FACRRM, Rural General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Deepa Joseph, BSc (Nursing), Registered Nurse, VIC
Ms Manju Mathew, BSc (Nursing), Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Alison Hagley, B Pharm Dip Hosp Pharm, Pharmacist, NSW
Ms Linda Hanrahan, M Nursing Practice RN, Health Practitioner, NSW
Dr Derek Teh, MBChB FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist, NSW
Mr Frank Testa, Dip(Nursing) RN, Health Practitioner, NSW
Ms Tammy McMahon, BSc (Nursing), Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Marie Rice, RN, Critical Care RN, NSW
Ms Laura Walton, B Nursing, Nurse, NSW
Dr Gerard Stoyles, BA(Hons), Clinical Psychologist, NSW
Dr John Covetz, BSc DC, Chiropractor, NSW
Ms Ruth Davis, BHSc, Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Pride McMahon, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Susan Felsch, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Jessica Morgan, PHD, Clinical Psychologist, NSW
Dr Jocelyn Kramer, BSc MBBS PHD, Palliative Care Doctor, NSW
Mr John Cogley, BA MA, Psychologist, NSW
Ms Rebecca Weston, EN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Christine Dawson, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Frances Miller, RN Ad Cert EN BN Grad Cert (CritCare), MNP & Nurse Practitioner, NSW
Ms Kathleen Bush, Aged Care Manager, Manager, NSW
Mr Aaron Wood, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Aleena Reji, AIN, Nurse, NSW
Mr Jainmol Joseph, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Antoinette Gray, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Linda Collins, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Antoine Tarabay, Bioethicist, Bioethicist, NSW
Ms Margaret Fici, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Elizabeth Ambrose, Registered Nurse, Nurse,NSW
Ms Robyn Johnson, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Prof Romano Pirola, OAM MBBS(Syd) MD(UNSW) FRACP, Honorary Professor UNSW Associate Professor NDU, NSW
Dr Maria Cristina Gillego, Doctor of Medicine, Paediatric Registrar, NSW
Mr Graham Martin, BA DipEd M Ed GradDipPsych PostgradDipPsych, Psychologist, NSW
Dr Farah Azar, FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Katherine McKerrow, Bnursing RN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Neroli Mooney, RN, Nurse, NSW
Mr Michael Punch, Medical Sonographer, Sonographer, NSW
Ms Michelle Punch, Diagnostic Radiographer, Radiographer, NSW
Mr David Walton, Psychiatric Social Worker, Social Worker, NSW
Dr Michael King, MBBS FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist, NSW
Ms Elizabeth Moore, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Angela Jane Newberry, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Martin Harb, MD BMed BSc (Hons), Conjoint Associate Lecturer, NSW
Ms Susan Hazra, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Siew Joo Lau, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Mr Mark Buhagiar, Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist, NSW
Ms Stella Tegg, Radiographer, Radiographer, NSW
Mr Noel Pound, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Mr Gregory Fraser, RN CNS, Nurse, NSW
Mr Giakoumatos Stelios, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, NSW
Mr Philip Pocock, Psychotherapist, Psychotherapist, ACT
Mr Nicholas Williams, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Rebecca Field, BSNursing, Nurse, VIC
Ms Miechele Williams, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Alison Punch, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Greg Roditis, B Dental Surgery, Dental Surgeon, NSW
Ms Samantha Fava, Social Worker, Social Worker, NSW
Dr David Chee, MB BS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Roslyn Kaiser, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Mary-Louise Fowler, Dip Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Ms Monica Brown, RN RM, ED Nurse & midwife, NSW
Ms Marie Stephens, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Ms Elisa Harwood, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Monique Griffin, Registered Nurse, Nurse, VIC
Dr Emma Vieira, B Med, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Samantha Day, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Mr Brian Lincoln,, Rehabilitation Counsellor, NSW
Dr John Jarzynski, MB BS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Minna Yumol, B Med MD, Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Giles Walters, FRACP, Medical Practitioner, ACT
Dr Thekla Kokkinos, MBBS Psychiatry, Career Medical Officer in Psychiatry, NSW
Ms Lorraine Hunter, RN, Nurse, VIC
Ms Fotini Psarommatis, RN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Carmel Duckworth, AIN, Aged Care Nurse, NSW
Ms Fiona Reeves, BHlthSc(Rehab), Rehabilitation Medicine, NSW
Dr Basil Psarommatis, Med Sc HONS MBBS, GP Registrar, NSW
Ms Antonia Formosa, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Hoomis Pahos, B Dentistry, Dentist, NSW
Mr Andrew Milroy, AIN, Nurse, NSW
Dr George Liangas, MB BS FRANZCP, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, NSW
Dr John Ward, MB BS FRCR FRANZCR FAChPM, Radiation Oncologist Palliative Medicine Physician, TAS
Ms Margaret O'Sullivan, RN, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist, NSW
Dr Matthew Lennon, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Elaine Kelly, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Natalie Ong, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Peter Briscoe, MBBS FRACR, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Janet Lopez, MBBS FRACGP FACPsych Med, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Deirdre Cuming, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, NSW
Ms Bernice Keane, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Mario Cheung, MBBS, Resident Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Umberto Paolo Villa, MBBS, JMO Broken Hill Base Hospital, NSW
Dr Michael T Smith, FRACGP MBBS Hons BSc Dip Child Health, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Desmond Reddy, FRCPA, Pathologist, NSW
Ms Samantha Tyler, BSW, Social Worker, NSW
Dr James Kokkinos, MBBS FRACP, Neurologist, NSW
Ms Nitasha Fernandes, Allied Health Assistant, Assistant, NSW
Ms Soo Mi Lee, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, NSW
Mr Michael Sobb, Psychologist, Psychologist, NSW
Dr Sekhar Pillai, MBBS MPH FRACP PhD, Specialist Paediatric Neurologist, NSW
Ms Jiwon Lee, B Nursing, Physiotherapist, NSW
Dr Ellie Mulyadi, MBBS FRANZCP, Radiologist, NSW
Ms Katherine Henderson, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Jacob Kwak, MBBS, Aged Care Advanced Trainee, NSW
Dr Kelvin Cheung, BMed MD, Medical JMO, NSW
Dr Paul Burt, MBBS FANZCA FCICM, Senior Staff Anaesthetist, ACT
Mr Bob Nelson, B Social Science MA, Psychologist, NSW
Dr Karen Lopez Karen, MBBS BSc Med FAFRM, Rehabilitation Physician, NSW
Dr Rachel Chalmers, MBBS FRACP, Nephrologist, NSW
Dr Melissa Lee, B Dental Surgery, Dental Practitioner, NSW
Ms Joan Lane, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Andrie Tanuwidjaja, B Dental Surgery, Dental Practitioner, NSW
Dr Kristy Choi, B Dental Surgery, Dentist, NSW
Ms Sarah Fogarty, B App Sc Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Dr Patricia Suarez Novoa, MD MICGP MPHTM, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Colin Summerhays, FRACS FRCS (England), General Surgeon, NSW
Ms Margaret Summerhays, B Nursing, Registered Nurse, NSW
Dr Louise Holliday, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Maureen Mulheron, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Catherine Faehrmann, MBBS FRANZCP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Stephanie Herrenberg, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Evelyn Bernado, Hospital Scientist, Scientist, NSW
Dr Ann Tokura, MBBS, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Catherine Lennon, MBBS FRACGP IBCLC, General Practitioner, NSW
Ms Elizabeth McCarthy, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Catherine Wong, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician, NSW
Dr Gavin Wong, MBBS FRCS Edinburgh FRACGP Dip Children's Health, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Madeline Wong, Bmed Dip Children's Health, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Sebastianus Kwon, MBBS FRACS, Surgeon, NSW
Dr Maighdlin Galea, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, TAS
Ms Marguerite Bell, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, NSW
Ms Katherine Higgins, Registered Nurse, Clinical Nurse Educator, NSW
Mr Paul Donkin, Chemist, Chemist, NSW
Dr Cheryl Woodcroft, BSc MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Deirdre Hulton, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Roberta Leary, MBBS Hons, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Lillian Augoustinos, Bachelor of Social Work, Social Worker, NSW
Ms Judith Sultana, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Ruth Stoodley,Exercise Physiologist, Physiologist, NSW
Ms Bev Littlefair, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Julie Dulay, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Mary Manan, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Ms Jehan Manan, Assistant in Nursing, Nurse, NSW
Dr Paul Evans, FRACGP MBBS NFPMC Bsc(Hons1), Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Myra Tan, MD, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Teresa Thompson,, Physiotherapist, NSW
Dr Nimali Silva, MBBS FRANZCR, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Terrence Kent, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Grace Nakhil, B Pharmacy, Pharmacist, NSW
Ms Keren Mowbray, RN B Nursing M Nursing (Advanced Clinical Practice-Critical Care), Nurse, NSW
Ms Eve Marian Sinda, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Dr Sophie Faehrmann, BMedSc MBBS, Junior Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Marguerite Harb, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Anthony Zandes, MBBS, Intern Doctor, NSW
Dr Anne Cunningham, MBBS FRACP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Andrea Rajakariar, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
A/Prof Richard Lee, MBBS FCICM FANZCA, Intensive Care Specialist, NSW
Dr Samantha Rajakariar, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Sheila Lorenzo, MD FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr John Obeid, MBBS, Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Katrina Ison, MBBS (Hons) FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Allan Ingpen, BSc MBBCh, Advanced Trainee Emergency Medicine, WA
Dr Richard Lennon, MBBS FRACP(Paed) FACEM MBioeth, Paediatric Emergency Specialist, NSW
Ms Bridget Hayward, EN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Tania Sequeira, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Clare Suttie, MBBS FRANZCR, Radiation Oncologist, NSW
Ms Gabrielle Riches, RN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Joanne Wright, MBBS MGer Med FRANZCP Cert (Old Age), Old Age Psychiatrist, NSW
Dr Andrew Wright, MBBS FANZCA, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Julianne Brisbane, RN, Palliative Care CNC, NSW
Dr Ian Edmunds, MBBS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Ahamed Zawab, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Stephanie Polley, BSc(Med) MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Adrian Watts, BMed FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Melinda van Leeuwen, BSocSc(Psych) Bmed FRACP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Katie Chen-Dixon, MBBS, O&G Registrar, NSW
Dr Melissa Judd, Bmed FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist, NSW
Dr Juliet Smith, B Psychol Sc BMed, Resident Doctor, NSW
Dr Elaine Harrington, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr Dan Nguyen, B Dentistry, Dentist, NSW
Ms Mary Clare Meney, SRN, ICU specialist, NSW
Ms Paula Nickle, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist, NSW
Dr Elie Matar, MBBS(HonsI) BScAdv(HonsI), Neurology Fellow, NSW
Dr Frank Long, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, ACT
Dr Eleasa Sieh, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Bron Heron, RN, Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Consultant, NSW
Prof Michael Quinlan, LLD (University of Notre Dame) MBBS MD FRACP, Chancellor Emeritus(UNDA) Professor of Medicine(UNDA) Adjunct Professor of Medicine(UWA), WA
Dr Nick Cooling, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, TAS
Dr Yoke Mei Lim, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, SA
Dr Lynette Eggleston, BSc(Hons) MLIS MBBS(Hons) FRACGP Postgrad Dip Pall Med DCH, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Christopher Middleton, MBBS FRACP, Gastroenterologist, TAS
Dr Christine Colson, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, ACT
Dr John Hayes, MBBS FRACP, Rheumatologist, WA
Dr Donald Reid, MBBS FRACP, Emeritus Physician Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA
A/Prof Catriona McNeil, MBBS (Hons) BSc (Med) (Hons) PhD FRACP, Oncologist, NSW
Dr Glenise Berry, MBBS(Hons) FRACP FANZSGM, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Robert Britten-Jones, AO FRCS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr Raymond Cabela, BSc(Med) MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Lucy Ding, BSc(Med) MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Maria Pisasale, MBBS BHA FAChPM FRACMA AFCHSE, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Umbreen Qazi, MBBS BSc ClinDipPallMed FRACGP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Advanced Trainee, VIC
Dr Michael Tanious, MBBS FRACP, Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Kieran McCaffrey, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Abdulrazak Mohamad, MBChB MRCP(UK) FRCP(Glasg.) FRACP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Martin Cullen, BSc(Hons) MBBS FRACP FCICM, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Peter Hanley, MBBS BSc BA FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Luke McLindon, MBBS FRACGP FRANZOG, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Eleanor Mary Hitchen, BMedSci Hons I MBBS (Usyd) PhD (Medicine), Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Mark Hobart, MBBS, General Practitioner, VIC
Dr Daniel Abosh, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Sheelagh Celenza, Dip Nursing, RN,WA
Dr Veronica O'Connell, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Anna Philip, MD, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Mrs Ruth Minter, Aged Care Worker, Nursing Student, NSW
Dr Angela Teh, MBBS FRACP, Medical Registrar Obstetric Medicine, SA
Mr Michael Mchugh, BN RN Cardiology Cert, Nurse, NSW
Dr Vy Nguyen, GP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Michael Martin, Psychiatrist, QLD
Dr Belinda Goodwin,MBBS, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Acquiline Gur, GP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Andrew Burke, MBBS MPH FRACP, Thoracic and Infectious Disease Physician, QLD
Dr Rob Hodge, FRACS FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Ed), ENT Surgeon, QLD
Dr Rory Donellan, Pathologist, Immaculata Pathology,QLD
Dr Brendan Miller, MBBS BSc FRACGP FRANZCOG, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Gerard Purcell, MBBS FRACGP FARGP, Associate Lecturer UQ, QLD
Dr Bernadette Wong, BSc MBBS FRANZCR, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Ms Jane Landon, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Dr Sue Colen, MBBS FRACGP, GP and Palliative Care Locum Doctor, QLD
Dr Terry Bennett, MBBS, Retired General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Tania Rogers, BA/MBBS (Syd) MScTech (UNSW), Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Andrew Hunt, BMed FANZCA, Specialist Anaesthetist,WA
Dr Edna Sun, MBBS, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Geoffrey P Hunt, MBBS FRACGP FARGP (JCCA), Senior Medical Practitioner- Emergency & General Ward, WA
Dr Hannah Watts, BSc MD , Doctor (PGY1) ,WA
Dr Ian B Puddey, MBBS FRACP MD, Retired consultant physician previously Dean of Faculty of Medicine Dentistry & Health Sciences at UWA (2005-2014),WA
Dr Jeremy Beckett, MBBS FRACGP DTM&H DCH, Medical Practitioner,WA
Dr Jessica Barrett , MBBS, Medical officer,WA
Dr Jessica Stillwell, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner ,WA
Dr Keith G. Bender, MBBS FRANZCP, Psychiatrist,WA
Dr Kelvin Sun, MBBS RACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Annemarie Ward, MBBS FRACGP, Medical Practitioner,WA
Dr Malcolm Donald HODSDON, MBBS D Obst RCOG FRACGP FACRRM, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Mark Hurworth, FRACS FA(Orth)A, Orthopaedic Surgeon,WA
Dr Michael Chong, MBBS (UWA) DCH FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Paul Kwei, MBBS FANZCA, Consultant Anaesthetist,WA
Dr Peggy Leung, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Peter Nguyen, MBBS, Radiation Oncology Registrar,WA
Ms Rebekah Arundell, BSc (Nursing), Registered Nurse,WA
Dr Sarah Booker , MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Bethany Nelson, MBBS FRACGP AdvDRANZCOG DCH IHD VDipWH , Rural Procedural GP,WA
Ms Sarah Fitzclarence, BSc (Hons), Medical Student (UNDA),WA
Dr Susan St Clair, MBBS Hons FRACGP, GP and community palliative care doctor,WA
Dr Wayne Martin, MBBS FRACGP DRANZCOG MPH&TM, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Wendy Yeo , MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Ms Esther Watts, Medical Student, Student (UWA),WA
Dr Colin Smyth, MBBS Dip Obst RCOG FRACGP FRACRRM, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Cornelis Buma, MBBS DRCOG, General Practitioner,WA
Dr Danielle Clark , MBBS FRACGP , General Practitioner,WA
Dr Darryn Rennie, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Dr David Liaw, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner,WA
Mr Vaughan Chin, BMedSc, Medical Student, WA
Dr Joshua Juniper, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Susan Shaw, MBBS DRACOG, General Practitioner, WA
Dr Sara Kim, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Ms Mikala Bower, Medical Student, Student, WA
Dr Rachel Currie, BSc MD, Intern, WA
Mr Henry HyeonKyoo Yoo, BSc, Medical Student, WA
Dr Tessa Yap, MD, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Tanya Thum, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, WA
Ms Melissa Ho, Medical Student, Student, VIC
Dr Graham Poole, BSc(Med) MBBS DRANZCOG GradDipDiv FRACGP, General Practitioner, TAS
Dr Andrew Barclay, MBBS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Mark Deuble, MBBS Dip Pall Med (Melb) FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Specialist, QLD
Prof Chris Pulle, MBBS FRACP, Geriatrician & Clinical Leader, QLD
Ms Christina Howe, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Dr David Simpson, MBBS FRANZCOG FRCPEd, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Peter Farrington, BDSFDSRCS, Retired Dental Surgeon, QLD
Dr Alon Barnes, MBBS FRACP, Medical Registrar, QLD
Dr Sharon Thomas, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Ms Gladys Staines, RN, Registered Nurse, QLD
Dr Andrew Cotterill, MBBS MRCP FRACP MD SMO (QCH), Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Joel Wight, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Haematologist, QLD
Prof Janet Hardy, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Director Palliative Care Mater Health Services, QLD
Dr Kathryn Smart, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr David Lean, MBBS FRACP, Paediatrician, QLD
Dr Bronwyn Mueller, MBBS FRACGP DRANZCOG, General Practitioner,QLD
Dr Kerri Barnes, BAppSc(medsc) MBBS DCH, General Practice registrar, QLD
Dr Faye Jordan, MBBS HON RACP PEM FACEM PHD SPTHY, Emergency Physician, QLD
Dr Kriscara Singh, Bpharm MD, Intern doctor, QLD
Ms Alicia Bruce, Medical Student, Student, NSW
Dr Shani Law-Davis, MBBS(Hons), Medical Officer, WA
Dr Dawn Glasgow, MBBS FACRRM, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Jonathan Quinn, MBBS, Registrar, QLD
Dr Daphne Liu, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Corne Esterhuysen, MBChB FACRRM, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Troy Gianduzzo, MBBS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Kirsten Symmons, MBBS DCH DRANZCOG Adv FACCRM, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Mrs Susan Baumhammer, RN, Health Service Pastoral Care Coordinator, NSW
Dr Nicole Lu, MD, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Eugene Khoo, MBBS Grad Dip Div Bchiro BSc (Hon) Bcomm, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Fiona Nielsen, BAppSc(Occupational Therapy), Occupational Therapist, NSW
Ms Sieders Lea, Registered Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Mrs Kimberley Town, Registered Nurse, Nurse, QLD
Dr Brian Biggs, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Kevin Plumpton, MBChB FRACP FCICM, Paediatric Intensivist, QLD
Dr Philip Wong, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Haematology Advanced Trainee, QLD
Dr Elizabeth Grosso, MBBS FAFRM, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Johanna Lynch, PhD MBBS FRACGP Grad Cert ( Grief and Loss), GP Psychotherapist, QLD
Dr David Gilpin, MBBS FRACS, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Mr Frans Van Wessel, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist Mental Health, QLD
Ms Jayne Chambers, Accredited Medical Sonographer , Senior Vascular Sonographer Austin Health, VIC
Ms Kerri-Anne Dooley, RN, Care Service Manager, QLD
Ms Sam Maton, BNurs PgDipMHNurs[Reg] MACN RN, Nurse, WA
Dr Lauren Chong, MBBS FRACP, Geriatrician, NSW
Mr Simon Baxter, MPsych(Clin) MAPS FCCLP MACPA, Clinical Psychologist, VIC
Dr Hugh McGregor, BSc(Hons) MBBS(Hons) PhD FRACS, General Surgeon, QLD
Dr Elissa Campbell , MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Lisa Cuddeford , MBBS FRACP MRCP(UK) CCT (Paeds) RCPCH, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Alison Parr , MBBS MRCP(UK) , Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Ashwini Davray , MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Carolyn Masarei , MBBS FAChPM PGDipMed(PC) MRCP(UK), Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Han Wei Chiew , MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Kim Caldwell, FRACP, RAChPM, Palliative Medicine, NSW
Dr Joanne (Jo) McKeown , MBBS FAChPM, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Keiron Bradley , MBBS FAChPM, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Kirsten Auret , MBBS FRACP FAChPM , Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Michael Thompson, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Paula Moffat , MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Roanna Bornshin , MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Rosalie Shaw OAM, MBBS FAChPM RACMA, Medical Practitioner, VIC
Dr Sarah Pickstock , MBBS FAChPM Mmed(PC), Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Scott Lee , MBBS FRACP FAChPM , Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr David Dunwoodie, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Rachel Hughes , BMed FRACGP FACRRM FAChPM , Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Lisa Miller , MBBS FRANZCP FRACGP FAChPM, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Margherita Nicoletti , MBBS FAChPM, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Marianne Phillips, MBBS FRCP FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Alison White, MBBS FRACP, Medical Practitioner, WA
Dr Kevin Yuen, MBBS FAChPM, Medical Practitioner, WA
Ms Fiona Jongsma, BAppSc(Ocupational Therapy), Occupational Therapist, NSW
Mrs Heather So, BAppSc(Ocupational Therapy), Occupational Therapist, NSW
Mr Josh Collins, RN, Nurse Unit Manager, NSW
Mr Daniel Kilgour, BAppSc(MRS), Medical Imaging Technologist, WA
Mrs Joan Brodbeck, RN, Nurse, NSW
Mrs Cecilia Hawkins, RN, Nurse, NSW
Ms Jade Martin, Student, Student Nurse, NSW
Mr Greg Peters, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, NSW
Ms Chiara Porcu, RN, RN in Aged Care and Community, NSW
Ms Ann-Marie Power, RN, Nurse, VIC
Ms Dona Sakr, Diversional Therapist, Health Practitioner, NSW
Mrs Biji Mathew, RN, Nurse, NSW
Mrs Monica Bones, Enrolled Nurse, Nurse, NSW
Mrs Aruna Ellis, RN, Nurse, NSW
Mr David Sofatzis, BSW(Hons) BA, Disability Support Worker, NSW
Dr Katherina Farr, MBBS PhD, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Dr Peter Roach, MBBS FRACGP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine, NSW
Mrs Sinu Thomas, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Jonathan Barnett, MBBS FRACGP, General Practitioner, NSW
Dr Michael Kennedy, MBBS FRACGP, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Julia Blom, RN, Nurse, NSW
Dr Koshy George, MBBS MD FRACP, Consultant Neurologist, QLD
Dr Julie Bjorem, MBBS, General Practitioner - Retired, QLD
Dr Zelle Hodge, AM MBBS FRACGP FAMA FAICD, General Practitioner, QLD
Dr Peggy Kwok, MBBS FRACGP FHKCFP FHKAM(Family Medicine) Dip of Cardiff (Pall Med), Medical Practitioner, VIC
Ms Caitlin Byrne, BSc MScMed(RH&HG), Medical Student, TAS
Mr Alexander Walter, RN, Nurse (Inpatient Psychiatry), TAS
Ms Kellie Hardy, RN, Nurse, TAS
Dr Tim Andrewartha, MBBS, GP generalist - palliative care, TAS
Ms Fenny Chia, BSc(Physio), Physiotherapist, TAS
Dr Philip Dawson, MM,MBBS,FRACGP,DRANZCOG,BSc, General Medical Practitioner, TAS
Dr Julie Sladden, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, TAS
Aprof Mike Sladdeen, MBChB, MRCP, FACD, Associate Professor Dermatologist, TAS
Ms Irene Legg, Student, Medical Student, TAS
Dr David Cooke, MBBS FACRRM FRACGP DRANCOG, Palliative care physician and GP, TAS
Dr Karl Gadd, MBBS BAppSc(Podiatry) FANZCA, Anaesthetist, TAS
Mr Tony Bradley, RN, Nurse Practitioner, TAS
Dr Ruth Charlton, MBBS FRACGP, Medical Practitioner, TAS
Mrs Clare Lord, MPsych(Clin) BA, Clinical Psychologist, TAS
Mr Damaris Green, Student, Medical Student, TAS
Dr Lindsay Sherriff, MBBS DRANZCOG DCH DA FRACGP FRACRRM, General Practitioner, TAS
Dr Dianne Sherriff, MBBS FRACGP FACRRM DipAd RACOG, Medical Practitioner, TAS
Ms Sinead Morgan, RN B(Nursing), Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Elsie Chamberlain, RN, Registered Nurse, WA
Ms Jacinta Elks, RN, Registered Nurse, QLD
Ms Genevieve Honner, RN, Registered Nurse, SA
Dr Suzanne Cartwright, BSc BMBS MMed(PainMgt) FANZCA FFPMANZCA Specialist Pain Medicine Physician and Anaesthetist, NSW
Ms Monica Sajogo, BPharm, GradDipClinPharm, Pharmacist WA
Dr Keith Hartman, AM, FRCOG, FRANZCOG Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, NSW
Ms Catherine Uechtritz, Director Government Relations for Health Care, QLD
Dr Sophia Wong, MBBS, Cardiology Trainee, QLD
Ms Kathryn Smith, RN, Clinical Midwifery Specialist, NSW
Dr Graeme Suthers, PhD FRACP FRCPA, Clinical Geneticist & Genetic Pathologist, SA
Ms Frances Evans, RN, Registered Nurse, SA
Mr Thuy Nguyo, Radiographer, NSW
Dr John Turnbull, AM,MBBS, FRACGP, D.Obst RCOG, Life Member RACGP & AMA, PAST CHAIR RACGP Council, Past Censor in Chief RACGP, SA
Ms Miriam Cursaro, BMBS, Palliative Care Registrar, SA
Dr Alice Keane, MBBS, Emergency Medicine Registrar, SA
Dr Joel Amos, MMBS, FRACGP, Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr Joanna Palmer, MBBS, DCH, SA
Dr Lawrie Palmer, MBBS, FRACGP, FAChPM, MPH , Palliative Medicine Specialist, SA
Dr Philip Lee, MBBS FAChPM, Retired Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Frances Booth, Retired FRANZCO, formerly FRACS , Sydney, NT
Dr Graham Grove, MBBS Hons FRACP FAChPM BTh , Medical Director / Consultant Physician in Palliative Medicine, QLD
Dr Luke Garske, MBBS Hons FRACP PhD, Respiratory Physician., QLD
Ms Nicole El-Turk, Student, Medical Student, NSW
Ms Sarah Deuble, RN, Registered Nurse, QLD
Ms Ming Ji, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Dr Norelle Lickiss, MD FRACP FRCPE, Pallative Physician/ Academic (Retired), TAS
Mr James T Dominguez CBE AM, Hospital Health administration (retired), NSW
Dr David Mills, BMBS, DRACOG, FRAGP, FARGP, Medical Practitioner, SA
Dr Antony Faa, MBBS, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Miss Shelly Ni, BOralH Sc, GDipDent, Dentist, NSW
Dr Aaron David Kennedy, MBBS, FACRRM/GP, Medical Practitioner, QLD
Dr Baden Sinclair, Bmed, Junior Medical Officer, NSW
Dr Rihan Bintey Shahab, MBBS FRACP, Staff Specialist Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Peter Carblis, BSc(Hons) (Syd) GradDipEd (WI) MEd (UTS) MMin (CSU) PhD (MQ) PhD (SCD), Pastoral Care, NSW
Mr Alvin Chai, BHlthSc(Paramedic), Advanced Care Paramedic, WA
Prof Brian Kelly, BMed PhD FRANZCP FAChPM, Psychiatrist, NSW
Ms Gloria Pavey, BN,GradDipPallCare, Clinical Nurse Consultant, NSW
Mr Steve Calder, BSc BD , General Manager Pastoral Care, NSW
Dr Ali Gursel, MB BS FRACS(Ortho), Orthopaedic Surgeon, NSW
Ms Amanda Voets (White-Dobson), RN, Retired nurse, NSW
Mrs Julie Hill, RN, Retired nurse, NSW
Mr Stuart Hill, Retired Dental Technician, Retired Dental Technician, NSW
Dr Camilla Chan, MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Palliaitive Medicine Physician, NSW
Dr Gregory Barclay, MBBS FRACGP FAChPM, Palliative Medicine Phsycian, Clinical Leader, NSW
Mrs Lucy Wright, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Mr Peter Gilfedder, B.Pharm, Pharmacist, NSW
Dr Yvonne Selecki MBBS. MPH, Medical Practioner, NSW
Dr Raymond Yeow, BA MBBS FRACGP, Medical Practioner, NSW
Dr Wei Lee, BSc (Med) (Hons) MBBS FRACP FAChPM, Medical Practioner, NSW
Dr Alison Semmonds, BMed FRACP, Geriatrician, NSW
Dr Paul Cullen, MBBS, FRANZCP, Old Age Psychiatrist, NSW
Dr Jill Floyd, MBBS FRANZCP MPM FPOA, Old Age Psychiatrist, NSW
Ms Joan Brodbeck, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Dr Harry Sofatzis, BEng, MD, Medical Practitioner, NSW
Ms Teresa Assen, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
A/Prof Andrew Cole, MBBS (Hons) FAFRM, Chief Medical Officer, Hammond Care, NSW
Ms Mary Manning, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW
Ms Beverley Cox, RN, Registered Nurse, NSW